“It was the only solution we were satisfied with!”

Jan Morten Andersen 

GDPR Compliance Manager, CoreTrek 

Why CoreTrek chose Cookie Information

Great Customer




Full Consent


  • Digital Agency
  • Consultancy, web- and marketing agency
  • 50-250 employees
  • Offices in Norway
  • CoreTrek.no

“Cookie Information’s support works efficiently! And there is good documentation. This means that we ourselves can help our customers so that they also comply with cookie rules and GDPR.”

Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR Compliance Manager, CoreTrek

The end of uncertaincy

First in late 2019, Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR manager at CoreTrek, knew what to do about cookies and privacy.

The National Communications Authority (NKOM) and the Data Protection Authority were fighting on each side for the right to shape the Norwegian cookie rules.

Join this conversation with Jan Morten Andersen, where he explains how CoreTrek took the lead with compliance early on, even though most Norwegian companies did not do anything.

“We googled all suppliers of cookie banners. But Cookie Information were the only ones who provided a solution we were satisfied with.”

Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR Compliance Manager, CoreTrek

The end of uncertaincy

First in late 2019, Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR manager at CoreTrek, knew what to do about cookies and privacy.

Before that, the Norwegian cookie rules had been a mess. 

The National Communications Authority (NKOM) and the Data Protection Authority were fighting on each side for the right to shape the Norwegian cookie rules.

Join this conversation with Jan Morten Andersen, where he explains how CoreTrek took the lead with compliance early on, even though most Norwegian companies did not do anything.

CoreTrek working

A consent solution that ensures GDPR compliance

It came as a relief for Jan Morten when NKOM (Nasjonal Kommunikasjonsmyndihet) finally established the Norwegian cookie rules in 2019. The rules were clear: If you use cookies, you must comply with the GDPR.

“It was very challenging for us as a company not to know what to do about cookies. Should we collect consent? Were browser settings enough?”, Jan Morten explains.

At the time, Cookie Information had a local representative in Norway.

That helped CoreTrek a lot in relation to the questions and requirements they had about cookie rules and GDPR.

CoreTrek Logo
  • Digital Agency
  • Consultancy, web- and marketing agency
  • 50-250 employees
  • Offices in Norway
  • CoreTrek.no

A consent solution that ensures GDPR compliance

It came as a relief for Jan Morten when NKOM (Nasjonal Kommunikasjonsmyndihet) finally established the Norwegian cookie rules in 2019. The rules were clear: If you use cookies, you must comply with the GDPR.

“It was very challenging for us as a company not to know what to do about cookies. Should we collect consent? Were browser settings enough?”, Jan Morten explains.

That helped CoreTrek a lot in relation to the questions and requirements they had about cookie rules and GDPR.

“Cookie Information provides a consent solution that complies with both the cookie rules in Norway and the GDPR. This meant that we got a solution that ensures GDPR compliance on our website.”

Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR Compliance Manager, CoreTrek

CoreTrek cookie banner

Found compliance with Cookie Information

CoreTrek is one of the companies that has been a Cookie Information customer for the longest time.

“We have been a customer since 2018 now. And we are very satisfied. Customer Support works very efficiently! Documentation is also good and sufficient”, says Jan Morten Andersen.

CoreTrek also uses Cookie Information’s documentation and support, so they can help their own clients comply with the Norwegian cookie rules and GDPR.

Found compliance with Cookie Information

CoreTrek is one of the companies that has been a Cookie Information customer for the longest time.

“CoreTrek also uses Cookie Information’s documentation and support, so they can help their own clients comply with the Norwegian cookie rules and GDPR.”

CoreTrek is one of the companies that has been a Cookie Information customer for the longest time.

“I recommend anyone looking for a professional cookie banner to look at Cookie Information. They cover the compliance needs, and it is far from all consent solutions that do that.”

Jan Morten Andersen, GDPR Compliance Manager, CoreTrek

Want to secure your cookie compliance like CoreTrek?

Start your 30-day free trial today. If you’re not satisfied, you don’t pay a dime.

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*Logg på Consent Management for å få tilgang til ditt cookie samtykke-banner og MobilApp-konto. Logg på Privacy & Complianceog få tilgang til Data Discovery og Data Subject Request (DSR).