Is Google Consent Mode active on your site? Check now

Enter the URL of the site to be checked

Scanning website, please wait…
The scan usually takes 1 to 2 minutes. You will see the result on this page once the scan is finished.
All done!
Here are the scan results for your website

Is Consent Mode v2 implemented on your website?

Cookie Information clients:
If you want to verify your installation of Google Consent Mode v2 – whether through a WordPress plugin, Shopify, or by modifying the main installation code and consent popup template – follow this guide.
If you want to check if your Google Consent Mode v2 setup works correctly using Google Tag Manager, follow this guide
Does your cookie banner link to Google’s Privacy Policy?

Cookie Information clients:
To learn how to update your cookie consent banner with the link to Google’s Business Data Responsibility Site, see this guide.
Not a client?
Get a Google Certified CMP with integrated Consent Mode v2. Try Cookie Information for 14 days – completely free, no payment information required.
Something went wrong…
Seems like we’ve encountered a technical issue or the scanner was blocked. Please check that your website URL is correct and try again and/or whitelist this IP address: