To comply with the PDPA when using cookies on your website, it’s essential that you obtain your users’ valid consent to cookies.
That does not mean only to inform users of cookies (with a simple cookie banner), it means to inform users of cookies, collect and store their consent, so you can document it to The National Data Protection Authority set to be established under the PDPA.
This means, that whenever a person enters your website, you ask for their consent to use cookies (through the cookie pop-up), and if your user declines, you respect their choice by not using cookies. *
* Cookies can technically be held back/blocked by the cookie banner until a consent has been given.
Here we show you two banners. The brown one you typically see on websites. It informs visitors about cookies and then states: if you use the site, you agree to the use of cookie.
It does not give the user ability to disagree, nor decline cookies. And it does not provide any information about which cookies collect and process what information.
A PDPA compliant cookie banner on the other hand, ask for a freely given and explicit consent to the use of cookies. Consent is informed and specific (information about cookies and functions provided) and it stores every user consent for documentation to authorities in case of an audit.