Data Subject Request

Thousands have already automated their Data Subject Requests. You can too!

Never manually look for old emails and forgotten files again. Automate your Data Subject Request and respond to a request within the required 1-month period! Do you also want the machine to do all the hard work?

Get started

Say goodbye to hours and hours of manual work!
And hello to automated Data Subject Requests

When you receive a data subject request, you have 1 month to respond.
You could make coffee and look through thousands of files, scattered across many different systems.
You could plow through tons of old emails and folders to find a social security number, or a photo from the company Christmas dinner.
Or you could let the machine do it all for you.
This is how you automate your Data Subject Request to make sure you successfully reach the 1-month deadline. Fast, cost-efficient and secure.
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Comply with a Data Subject Request
from one central place

Saves you time and money by automating identification and retrieval of personal data

Who is it for?

What does it cover?

What do you achieve?

Get notified automatically when receiving a Data Subject Request

The clock starts ticking from the moment a person files a request in the Data Subject Request form on your website.

Cookie Information lets you know in an instance when your business gets a Data Subject request.

And no need to worry that the Data Subject Request disappears in your inbox or in another colleague’s spam folder.

All requests are collected and stored your Data Privacy Platform.

Cookie Information makes sure you don’t miss a second, so you can meet your 1-month deadline.  

Data Subject Request: 

Uses AI data mapping to identify personal data across your systems

Gone are the days of having to manually search for social security numbers.

Cookie Information uses AI data mapping to automatically find personal data stored in your systems.

Even the blurry image of Peter from finance at the company Christmas party. 

The requested data is collected from all your different systems, and displayed in your Data Privacy Platform, so you can manage the request with ease. 

Sit back and let the machine look through thousands of files and folders and bring you the requested data in minutes.  

Data Subject Request:

Respond successfully to a Data Subject Request within 1 month.

When the 1-month deadline has passed, you have successfully responded to the Data Subject Request.

The person’s personal data has been found. Everything displayed in one place.

The list of identified data is automatically shared with the person who requested it.

You can sit back and be rest assured that your company is now ready to handle multiple Data Subject Requests a month, without even blinking an eye.  

Data Subject Request: 

Microsoft or Google? No problem. Cookie Information works on both. And more.

Cookie Information easily integrates with the services you use.

Works out of the box on Microsoft Office 365 (cloud and on-prem), Exchange Online Archive, Google Workspace, fileshares, MySQL databases and much more.

If we don’t have the integration, we can build it!

Data Discovery integrations: 




Data Subject Request

* Formerly known as Phinder
Here's is what you get!

Respond to a Data Subject Request in 1 month. Easily

... and avoid complaints and GDPR fines that hurt your business’ trustworthiness. Want to know how your business can respond to a DSR without spending hours and hours searching for personal data in your systems?
Yes, I want to automate DSR!