Cookie Information is live in Germany!

We are expanding and now offer full support for German speaking clients. With our new German division, we are ready to give you the best consent solution for your company website.
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We're live in Germany!

Well, we’ve actually been there all the time, but we are growing fast and now have a German division who can help your company become GDPR compliant. 

We are very excited to be able to help you get the best consent solution on the marked, a consent solution which is not only GDPR and ePrivacy compliant, but can be tailored to your website’s UX design.

We have a range of features and solutions for your company website.

See a selection of our features here:

List of features for Consent Solution

List of features for Mobile App Consent 

Or take a quick compliance check of your website. We scan your site for cookies and trackers, and send you a report on how to manage the potential compliance risks.

Free Compliance check

Don’t hesitate, get in touch with Cookie Information and we’ll provide your company with the best German consent solution for your website.

Let's talk about your website

How can we help your business comply with ePrivacy and GDPR for cookies? Get in touch and get the best German cookie Consent Solution.

Cookieinformation Team