Nested deep within the Norwegian fjords and not far from the blue waters of Skagerrak lies the Norwegian digital agency CoreTrek.
CoreTrek is the leading supplier of digital solutions for private and public organizations in Norway, offering everything from UX-design, copywriting, SEO audits and digital marketing.
The collaboration with Cookie Information has resulted in a year-long partnership and friendship. Yes, we even invited their consultant Jan Morten Andersen to our Christmas Party back in 2019.
And we both hope this partnership will continue helping both companies to grow.
Below you will see how CoreTrek has profited from reselling Cookie Information’s Consent Management Platform.
Cookie Information's Partner Program
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A Partnership with Cookie Information strategically important
CoreTrek is one of Cookie Informations’ first partners.
Our relationship goes back to 2018. As I have said earlier, it is strategically important for CoreTrek to provide our customers with top-notch advice and solutions. In Cookie Information, we have found a partner that enables us to provide such a service for the GDPR area.
Cookie Information combines very good solutions with superb support. We can adapt the solutions to the style guide for each website.
CoreTrek’s customers trust that CoreTrek provides relevant information related to their websites and other solutions.
These days the Åpenhetsloven or the Transparency Act is hot, but GDPR and cookies have been important since 2018 and are still hot.

Cookie Information helps us with GDPR and Compliance issues
CoreTrek communicate Cookie Information services to their customers in diverse ways.
Top-level, they offer popular webinars.
In these webinars, they focus mainly on the legislation, which has been a bit different in Norway than in most EU countries.
Their customers need to be updated on the regulations with the EU.
When you design a website, GDPR and cookies are an integrated part of the scope. CoreTrek also discuss this issue in the status meeting.
GDPR is not a big thing for us, but it is well-integrated with our processes.

A profitable Partnership
CoreTrek is not into GDPR to enhance the bottom line.
The strategic element is much more important. That said, CoreTrek’s partnership with Cookie Information is profitable because they sell design and implementation services and because they have a kickback on the annual scanning fee.

The future of compliance is unclear
CoreTrek is wondering what will happen if cookie blocking is the default in all major browsers, probably next year.
The EDPB (European Data Protection Board) has stated that this might lead to a situation where traditional cookie banners will no longer be needed, as the average user can handle these issues themselves.
However, extended use of personal information is financing the internet as we know it today. That indicates cookies must be replaced by another mechanism. If these are to process personal information, they must have some sort of consent attached.
I am sure that Cookie Information will provide the tools needed.