Are you prepared for Google’s audits?

Using Google Ads? Ensure compliance with Google’s EU user consent policy and safeguard your Google Ads and Analytics accounts with a certified CMP Partner like Cookie Information. Integrated Consent Mode v2 helps you avoid dips in marketing performance.
Cookie Information is a certified Google CMP partner
Ensuring reduced implementation time via codeless integrations and the best possible experience for you as an advertiser.

Get your free 14-day trial here


€ 15 / month
per domain
The simplest way to achieve compliance and get Google Consent Mode v2.
Most popular


€ 34 / month
per domain
Stay data-driven with detailed consent rate insights and monitoring of compliance risks.

How do you implement Consent Mode v2?

If you use Google Ads, implementing Consent Mode v2 is essential. 
That’s why we’ve made it as simple as possible to implement, giving you several options to choose from.
You get three easy implementation options:
cookie information cmv2
Directly on your website
(via a script in the <head> section)
Cookie Information Tag manager
Via Tag Manager
Cookie Information WordPress plugin
Via our WordPress plugin
Respect user privacy without compromising your marketing goals. Compliant data collection starts with a cookie banner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Google’s EU user consent policy is an agreement between Google and anyone using their products in the European Economic Area (EEA)* and the United Kingdom (UK) markets.
In short, you need to collect freely given consent in a transparent manner from your visitors or users, in accordance with the requirements in the ePrivacy Directive, and in line with how the GDPR defines consent.
The policy applies to both websites and mobile applications.
To make this process easier, Google recommends that you use a Google-certified Consent Management Platform, such as Cookie Information.
Google recommends using a cookie banner from a Certified CMP Partner since that will make it easier to follow Google’s requirements.
It also ensures the cookie banner is correctly integrated with Google Consent Mode v2. As a marketer, the latter is of utmost importance if you intend to get the most out of Google Ads and Analytics while staying compliant in accordance with the EU user consent policy.
If you want to ensure your cookie banner is set up correctly, you can test it here for free.
Also, the non-personalized ads that Google serves on websites or apps require cookies or mobile identifiers. Hence, consent is required.