Google also wants you to be able to get as much as possible from your Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts. So they first invented Google Consent Mode—and then Google Consent Mode v2. The latter is a big deal since Google has given you until March 2024 to get the updated version.
Why use a CMP to get Consent Mode v2 via GTM?
How to get Google Consent Mode v2 via Google Tag Manager
So before you run into your GTM, you have to make sure you have a CMP account, preferably a CMP certified by Google, like, for example, Cookie Information’s CMP. If you don’t have one, it’s easy to fix. Just go here and try one for free for 14 days—no strings attached.
- Go to Google Tag Manager and create a new tag.
- Add Cookie Information’s tag manager template to your workspace.
- Configure your tag settings.
And take note: With Consent Mode v2, you must use gtag.js or Google Tag Manager. If you have the older tag-versions (like ga.js or analytics.js), you must update to the latest tag-version before doing anything else.
Step 1 — Get the Tag Manager Template
Ok, then select it and click on “Add to Workspace.”

Step 2 —Configure your tag Settings
- ad_personalization (marketing cookies)
- ad_storage (marketing cookies)
- ad_user_data marketing (marketing cookies)
- analytics_storage (statistical cookies)
- funcationality_storage (functional cookies )
- security_storage (necessary cookies)
- personalization_storage (functional cookies)

- Necessary Cookies
- Functional Cookies
- Statistical Cookies
- Marketing Cookies

Should I do something in the Advanced Settings in the GTM set up?
Note that “Advanced Settings” does not refer to “advanced mode”, since the entire set up via the GTM is the advanced set-up.

And you’re done! Now you can continue to use remarketing, automated bidding strategies, and more, even after March 2024.
But what about the cookie-banner - will the GTM setup ensure it gets up?

The fastest way to get Consent Mode v2 implemented
We offer a free 14-day trial with no strings attached if you want to get Google Consent Mode v2 up as fast as possible on your WordPress site. Or at least in time for Google’s March 2024 deadline.